In john s gospel, a disciple is one who comes to believe jesus is messiah and leads others to jesus. But although the gospel never says so in so many words, tradition has always identified the beloved disciple with john, and there is no real need to doubt the identification. A note from beth moore every disciple and early follower of christ left a legacy for future believers. There was reclining on jesus bosom one of his disciples, whom jesus loved. Jan 29, 2007 one of the things which is probably fatal to the theory that john son of zebedee is the beloved disciple and also the author of this entire document is that none, and i do mean none, of the special zebedee stories are included in the fourth gospel but theres a longstanding response to this. It was customary for writers at the time to write in third person to disguise their identity. There, before the latin gate, john was thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil. This is consistent with internal evidence in the gospel of john john and his brother, james were called to be disciples of christ while they were pursuing their. Discussing the reception of john and his works in the early church. This is a rather liberal view for the bd and one that many conservative scholars brown, dodd would probably have rejected. John the beloved disciple brothers of the beloved disciple. After suffering all the torments of actual martyrdom, john emerged from the cauldron unharmed.
This theologically profound gospel is composed by the beloved disciple john, who dined next to jesus at the last supper. Still, most scholars do not ascribe authorship of the gospel of john to the beloved disciple, at least not directly. In these scenes the beloved disciple stands in contrast to simon peter, who is characterized less positively. Beth moore did an excellent job of presenting john s gospel, letters and revelation in a way that helped me to go deeper in my faith, affirm my faith and to know the heart and mind of christ better than ever than before. First, only the gospel of john mentions the disciple whom jesus. This disciple holds a prominent role even to the point that peter asks about the beloved disciple s ministry in john 21. One of the disciples, the one whom jesus loved, was at jesus side ceb, emphasis mine. Jul 11, 2005 naturally he was anxious to be rid of john, and he had him brought in chains from ephesus to rome. But a very real point arisessuppose john himself actually did the writing of the gospel, would he really be likely to speak of himself as the disciple whom jesus loved. John the apostle was jesus friend and pillar of the early church. This beloved disciple bd for short throughout shows up several more times in the latter chapters of the gospel. It is written anonymously, although it identifies an unnamed disciple whom jesus loved as the source of its. Why did the apostle john refer to himself as, the disciple.
It is this disciple who, while reclining beside jesus at the last supper, asks jesus who it is that will betray him, after being requested by peter to do so. John, the beloved disciple tradition has identified the beloved disciple with john the apostle, the brother of james, one of the original twelve who were called by jesus early in his ministry. It written for a diverse audience who were expelled from synagogues after the roman revolt. Charlesworth theorizes that thomas didymus was the beloved disciple of john and offers marginal and controversial evidence to support his claim.
Faith and discipleship in the gospel of john pathways to god. Most scholars deduce that he is the apostle john though there are some dissenters 1, but the real question is why he shrouds his name in such secrecy. His position at the table during the last supper reflected not only honor but also closeness. John is known as the author of the gospel of john and four other books in the new testament the three epistles of john and the book of revelation. His occupation was as a fisherman before he and his brother became disciples of christ. So she ran and came to simon peter and to the other disciple whom jesus loved, and said to them.
The point johns gospel makes is that any reader who wishes to follow jesus can become a beloved disciple by following his lead. Though not directly stated, we know that john was called the beloved disciple, or the disciple whom jesus loved john 21. In the gospel of john, there is no angelic host there to explain what happened. The author of john s gospel writes so that we may come to believe that jesus is the messiah, the son of god, and that through believing we may have life in his name jn 20. The tomb is vacant, except for the burial cloths of the lord who peter denied. So the identity of this disciple whom jesus loved remains a mystery. The gospel of john is the only gospel which mentions the disciple whom jesus loved. He was a jerusalem disciple of jesus connected with the high priest. This says something about the extraordinary interest in this unnamed disciple of jesus who shows up mysteriously in the gospel of john at the. Nicodemus who comes to the lord by night seeking meaning in his life, he is the beloved disciple. But god still had work for his beloved disciple to do. The disciple whom jesus loved was john the beloved. One very common interpretation of the gospel of john is that the beloved disciple was the author of the book.
The disciple whom jesus loved was john the beloved disciple. In addition to peter, the beloved disciple, and mary magdalene, john s gospel names several disciples specifically. The closing words of johns gospel state explicitly concerning the beloved disciple, it is this disciple who testifies to. The life and ministry of john video rent sessions for individual viewing by beth moore are 11 individual, rent sessions. Traditionally the beloved disciple was identified as john the evangelist who is commonly believed to be the author of the fourth gospel. The life and ministry of john leader kit by beth moore helps a leader facilitate this womens bible study experience and contains all that is needed to conduct the 10 weeks of small group time. The book went through two to three stages, or editions, before reaching its current form, at the latest, around ad 80100. Peter and the beloved disciple in the gospel of john the word. The gospels tell of john as a zealous early disciple of jesus. He was a special figure in jesus life, yet, few stop to consider why this beloved disciple used terms like the other disciple, whom jesus loved to conceal his identity. When they find out jesuss tomb is empty, peter and the beloved disciple race there.
It is a curious thing that the identity of the beloved disciple is never revealed in the fourth gospel. When jesus then saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, woman, behold, your son. John s gospel is a mystical reflection on the word made flesh, jesus christ. But the fourth gospel might provide us with clues concealed in. The disciple whom jesus loved is referred to, specifically, six times in john s gospel. Reinhartzs befriending the beloved disciple provides christians with another lense through which to see the difficult passages of the gospel of john. John s gospel says that the beloved disciple was an eyewitness to the mission of jesus, so the most direct evidence that the beloved disciple was not this gospel s author would be that the fourth gospel could not have been written by an eyewitness, or even based on the testimony of an eyewitness. If john was deliberately trying not to draw attention. Having been with jesus all the years of his ministry, john witnessed more miracles than he could count, saw more displays of power than he could comprehend, and. One of the biggest mysteries in biblical scholarship concerns the identity of the disciple whom jesus loved. It is equally strange that the zebedees are so briefly mentioned in this gospel as such see jn. She brings along peter and the beloved disciple, john. John is called the apostle of charity, a virtue he had learned from his divine master, and which he. The mystery of the beloved disciple national catholic register.
The beloved disciple wins, but peter gets to go into the tomb first. The author of the fourth gospel was singled out among the disciples as the one whom jesus loved. In the gospel of john, the beloved disciple emerges as a close, personal friend of the lord. This is consistent with internal evidence in the gospel of john.
According to the gospel, hes also the source for all johns info on jesuss life and work. John referred to himself as the disciple that jesus loved. The gospel of john was composed around between 90 and 100 ad in ephesus or presentday turkey. Unlike any of the other gospels, it indicatesdirectlywho its author is. Perhaps a historical individual actually stood behind the figure of the beloved disciple. In ancient writings it was common for writers to omit themselves from an account or use third person descriptions to disguise their identity. In the gospel of john, the phrase the disciple whom jesus loved, or the beloved disciple is used five times, but is not used in any other new testament accounts of jesus. So she ran and came to simon peter and to the other disciple whom jesus loved, and said to. Along with martha, lazarus, and mary, john is described explicitly in this gospel as one whom jesus loved see john 11. While the gospel of john does not specifically identify its author, and the disciple whom jesus loved is nowhere explicitly named in scripture, the early christians universally recognize john as the author of the gospel and the disciple whom jesus loved. The disciple whom jesus loved is john, the son of zebedee and brother of james. Jul 05, 2019 the gospel of john provides no explicit internal evidence concerning its author. Ambrose of milan, bede, beloved disciple, ishodad, jerome, lazarus, mary magdalene, polycrates.
After all, his nickname is the disciple whom jesus loved. Along with martha, lazarus, and mary, john is described explicitly in. Posted by dean f april 12, 2020 april 12, 2020 posted in beloved disciple tags. The beloved disciple in the gospel of john io7 of expelling from the synagogues any jew who accepted jesus. I have always believed that the apostle john, the son of zebedee, was the beloved disciple, who wrote the gospel of john and the letters of john, and who was exiled to. The disciple whom jesus loved is a free ebook that shows scripture is better than the traditions of men when it comes to identifying the one who wrote the fourth gospel, and the oneofakind gift from god that made this beloved disciple so unique. According to the gospel of john, this was the disciple who leaned on jesus during the last supper, and the only male disciple present at the crucifixion. The assumption that the beloved disciple was one of the apostles is based on the observation that he was apparently present at the last supper, and matthew and mark state that jesus ate with the twelve. Seeing jesus through the eyes of the beloved disciple was breathtaking.
Although the author identifies himself as john in the revelation rev. Brown says in an introduction to the new testament, pages 362,3689, that it is doubted by most scholars that this gospel was written by an eyewitness of the public ministry of jesus, which would now seem to rule the disciple john out as the beloved disciple. The beloved disciple one day jesus was walking along the banks of the sea of galilee and he saw two fishermen, james the son of zebedee, and john his brother, in a ship with zebedee their father, mending their nets. John the disciple is never mentioned in the gospel of john. Or more precisely who is the disciple whom jesus loved. The gospel of john the full movie dc for jesus youtube. The vision of the beloved disciple meeting jesus in the gospel of john. John the apostle is traditionally identified as the beloved disciple or the disciple whom jesus loved based on the use of the phrases five times in the gospel of john, which he presumably wrote. But this could also be a reference to his witnessing of the gospel.
It is clear that jesus loved all of his apostles as they were. The shadowy figure known as the disciple whom jesus loved appears in five scenes in the gospel of john john. Near the end of his life, he was exiled to the isle of patmos for his witness to the truth of the gospel rev. John mark one of the common problems in dealing with the reconstruction of history is the use of limited information to make things fit. The beloved disciple is not one person but an image of all disciples. John s gospel is followed by the acts of the apostles in the new testament of the bible. Therefore the origin of the gospel must in some way be connected to this personthe gospel of john may be a record of his eyewitness account of jesus life. It asserts that the beloved disciple was none other than john the son of zebedee, the brother of james, and one of the original twelve disciples. The phrase the disciple whom jesus loved or, in john 20.
To examine how the beloved disciple s life and ministry is a faithful response of friendship with jesus. Gospel of john or the beloved disciple who authored the. None of the other disciples are mentioned as often as these two and several times both of them appear together in the same scene. On the identity of the beloved disciple in john slouching. Taken as a whole, it is a programmatic statement of the authors thesis and argument, the crux of which is embodied in the title. Nevertheless, the beloved disciple is anonymous in the text and must remain so to fulfill the role given him in the story. Augustine of hippo 354 430 ad also believed that john was the beloved disciple, in his tractates on the gospel of john. Presumably, he was interested in obscuring his identity for some reason. While church tradition has attributed the gospel of john, the letters of john, and the book of revelation to the same authorjohn the apostle and son of zebedeeinternal and external evidence may require us to attribute them to other individuals who may or may not have also been named john. The church of jesus christ of latterday saints teaches that john the apostle is the same person as john the evangelist, john of patmos, and the beloved disciple. The samaritan woman at the well, the woman taken in adulteryforgiven, healed and renewed by jesus, these too are the beloved disciple. The purpose of the gospel is to tell the transfiguration story, the raising of jairuss daughter, and jesuss public life. Explore the life of the apostle john who must have thought that he had seen everything. The authorship of the gospel is credited to the disciple whom jesus loved, and john 21.
We know that john was the younger brother of james and the son of zebedee mark 10. This disciple is never specifically identified, but the identity of the disciple whom jesus loved is clear. However, this does not mean he escaped all persecution. John the beloved is the author of five new testament writingsa gospel, the revelation apocalypse. But other commentators have suggested a more complicated authorship that involve a johannine community. There is nothing but the allconsuming darkness of the tomb.
One answer would be that he wishes to distinguish himself from other disciples. We know that james, son of zebedee, died in the 40s ad acts 12. The testimony of the beloved disciple is more than a collection of richard bauckhams essays on the fourth gospel. The beloved disciple spots jesus on the shore, but peters the one who jumps off the boat to swim to him. Euangelion kata ioannen is the fourth of the canonical gospels. The beloved disciple is not only someone who lived apostolic times. John the apostle biography biography facts, childhood. Treat it like a document that just fell into your handswithout the gospel of john written at the front, the way it appears in modern bibles. That never happens in either matthew or mark, but it does happen again in the gospel of john. In the gospel of john, the author uses the one whom jesus loved five times to refer to a disciple who was particularly close to jesus. We would then have seven appearances of the beloved disciple in the gospel. Feb, 2018 its the identity of the beloved disciple.
This can often lead to forced conclusions which, although theoretically plausible, require a straining of the available evidence. Additionally, she provides an alternative for the historical ecclesiological theory for the writing of the gospel of john. The quran also speaks of jesuss disciples but does not mention their names, instead referring to them as supporters for the cause of allah. Against the view is the fact that nowhere outside this gospel are peter and lazarus as closely associated as peter and the beloved disciple are in johns gospel. We get the vast majority of our information about john from the pages of the four gospels. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Imagine being able to sit at the feet of the beloved disciple and to learn from him all that he had come to understand about the mystery of jesus, having lived so closely with the lord during his life and having pondered the wonder of it all for many years after. To accomplish this, john puts before us various characters who interact with jesus and who display a range of faith responses. In fact the tradition identifies john as the actual author of the gospel. The apostle john had the distinction of being a beloved friend of jesus christ, writer of five books of the new testament, and a pillar in the early christian church. In fact, it is widely claimed sometimes even by scholars who should know better that the author identifies himself as the beloved disciple who appears several times in the gospel of john, and only in this gospel. Why was john called the disciple whom jesus loved answers. John and his brother james, another disciple of jesus, were fishermen on the sea of galilee when jesus called them to follow him. Becoming the beloved disciple of johns gospel learn25.
Although mentioned four times in john s gospel, the reference to the one jesus loved does not appear in the other gospels. Oct 28, 2012 a while back i noticed for the first time that there is a special focus on peter and the beloved disciple in the second half of the gospel of john. Saint irenaeus toward the end of the second century says that the beloved disciple was the one who published the gospel while living in ephesus. Mar 14, 2020 the supposed closeness of jesus and the beloved disciple has meant that the beloved disciple aka john is a central figure in christian art.
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